Vitamin C mask

In any form, vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid, è the most potent antioxidant naturally occurring and è the most potent; easy to use topically for skin care. The face treatment with vitamin C does not dry out and does not attack the skin. At the same time gives a radiant look by contrasting the dull complexion of the skin and removing impurities & toxins. è can slow down the process of cellular aging and counteracts the damage generated by free radicals.

This treatment:

- stimulates the production of collagen, essential to keep the skin elastic
- reduces inflammation and irritation
- decreases the formation of dark spots
- illuminates the complexion
- Improves the healing of the skin
- increases the effectiveness of sunscreens.

After the session that has a duration of about 40', you will have a more bright, compact and homogeneous skin, both at the level of color and pigmentation.

Treatment value: 30,00 €